Happy Halloween!

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     Happy Halloween everyone! My favorite part of Halloween is eating the Just-For-Yourself bag of candy. You know what I'm talking about. You're pushing your little cart through Costco (or Sam's Club, if your that type of person) and you see those GIGANTIC bags of mixed candy. So you think to yourself, "That would be enough candy for everybody who comes to the door." But then as you put that bag into your cart and you're about to walk off, you think, "Well... maybe I better get a second bag just in case," knowing that there is NO WAY that you're gonna even get through that first bag. So the day after Halloween you open your cupboard and see that second bag of candy, thinking, "Well, I guess I better eat that myself since I didn't use it last night." You know exactly what I'm talking about. (I write as I'm munching on a Twix.)

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